Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Freddy and Fredericka

This book has been the bane of my existence for the last couple of weeks.  Probably not the best way to start a book review...let me explain.

My feelings about this book were all over the place.  It was so difficult to get into.  The first chapter was tedious and wordy.  I flew through the second chapter actually laughing out loud.  And so the book went, from tedious to delicious and back.  There were many times that I was going to put it back on the shelf.  The last time I thought that I was on page 426, so I thought I had a bit invested in it.  I should see how it turns out.

Freddy and Fredericka are the prince and princess of Wales (fun to read and think about with the upcoming royal wedding).  They are constantly getting into trouble and embarrassing for the crown.  Freddy comes off as a bumbling fool and Fredericka wears plunging necklines.  The part of the book describing Freddy's antics made me laugh so hard.

The Queen decides to teach them a lesson and literally drops them from the sky, naked, into America.  Thus begins Freddy and Fredericka's real education.  It was fun to read about them taking real jobs and living on and with nothing.  And then discovering their love for one another and their resulting acceptance of what their royal life needs to be like.

And all through the book it was love/hate.  I'd love one part and be so carried away that my heart would break when I got to the next tedious part.  It is an amazing read if you love language and play on words and grammatical play.  It was a fun read if you like imagining what a royal life is like.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think.  I think this book would make an amazing movie...

1 comment:

  1. The premise of this book sounds great, but I'm not a grammar nerd, so maybe not the book for me?
